Kamis, 28 November 2013

Asking about hobbies / Bertanya tentang hobi

Johnny: Hi Karen, what will you do this weekend?
Karen: Nothing, I have not planned anything for this weekend. How about you?

Johnny: I will play soccer with my friends.
Karen: Soccer, sounds fun. Do you often play soccer?

Johnny: Yes, usually I played soccer every Sunday.
Karen: What other hobbies do you have?

Johnny: I also like to play guitar, play basketball, and go swimming. How about you, what is your hobby?
Karen: I like to paint, sing, and cook.

Johnny: Where do you learn to paint?
Karen: I learn to paint in my highschool.

Johnny: Are you good at it?
Karen: Yes, I think I am pretty good at painting.

Johnny: How about cooking?
Karen: I am not that good at cooking but I like doing it.

Johnny: Your hobbies are very interesting.
Karen: Your hobbies are also interesting.

Jumat, 22 November 2013

Calling a person / Menelepon seseorang

This conversation is about inviting a person through a telephone call.

Bobby: Good morning, may I speak with Ronald?
Ronald: Good morning, this is Ronald speaking. Who am I speaking with?

Bobby: Hi Ronald, this is Bobby speaking. How are you?
Ronald: Hi Bobby, I am fine, how are you?

Bobby: I am fine too, thanks. Do you want to go to play soccer on Monday?
Ronald: Sure, what time?

Bobby: 7 PM, invite your friends also.
Ronald: Of course, where are we playing?

Bobby: At Park.
Ronald: Okay, I will see you there.

Bobby: See you

Minggu, 17 November 2013

Shopping at Store / Berbelanja di Toko

This dialog is about buying things at a store

Buyer: Good morning.
Seller: Good morning. How can I help you?

Buyer: Yes, I am looking for toothpaste.
Seller: We have toothpaste. But we have many kinds. Which one do you want?

Buyer: What do you have?
Seller: We have Pepsodent, Oral B, and Close Up.

Buyer: I will take the Pepsodent.
Seller: I will take that for you.

Buyer: How much is the toothpaste?
Seller: It is twelve dollars.

Buyer: Here is twenty dollars.
Seller: Here is your 8 dollars change.

Buyer: Thank you very much.
Seller: You're welcome.

Untuk terjemahan, klik baca selengkapnya.

Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Introducing yourself / Memperkenalkan diri anda

This monolog is used to introduce or describe yourself

Hi everyone,
My name is Andi.
I am from Jakarta.
I was born in nineteen eighty five (1985).
Now, I am 28 years old.
I have one brother and one sister.
For hobbies, I like to play sport and music.
That's it for me.
Thank you.

Untuk terjemahan, klik baca selengkapnya.

Selasa, 12 November 2013

Asking someone to go somewhere/ Mengajak orang untuk pergi

This conversation is used when asking someone to do an activity together

Paul: Hi Sarah, How are you?
Sarah: I am fine, thank you, how are you?

Paul: I am fine, thanks. Do you have plan for Sunday?
Sarah: Not really. Why?

Paul: My friends and I are going to play tennis together. Do you want to come?
Sarah: Sure, I like to play tennis.

Paul: Great then, We will play at the Lakeside park. Do you know where it is?
Sarah: Yes, I know. It is near my house.

Paul: Good, I will see you on Sunday!
Sarah: See you on Sunday!

Untuk terjemahan, klik baca selengkapnya.

Minggu, 10 November 2013

Asking direction/ Bertanya arah

This dialog is used when you want to ask someone about a direction to a place.

Ronald: Hi, Excuse me.
Ben: Hi, How can I help you?

Ronald: Do you know the way to the bus station?
Ben: Yes, I do. Just go straight along this road, then turn right on the second intersection.

Ronald: Is it near the hospital?
Ben: No, the hospital is on the opposite way. The bus station is near the bank.

Ronald: So, go straight along this road, then turn right on the second intersection, is that right?
Ben: Yes, That is right.

Ronald: Thank you for your help!
Ben: You're welcome!

Untuk terjemahan, klik baca selengkapnya.

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Meeting new people/ Bertemu dengan orang baru

This conversation is about meeting new people.
It can be used everywhere such as school and work.

Paul: Hi, are you new in this office?
Bill: Hi, Yes, this is my first day at work.

Paul: Welcome! What's your name?
Bill: Thank you! My name is Bill. What is your name?

Paul: Bill, it is very nice meeting you. My name is Paul.
Bill: Paul, it is very nice meeting you too.

Paul: If you need anything, just let know, my desk is over there.
Bill: Of course, thank you for your kindness.

Paul: You're welcome!

Untuk terjemahan, klik baca selengkapnya.


Selamat Datang!
Blog ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan sarana belajar berbicara Bahasa Inggris yang efektif.
Percakapan kebanyakan terdiri dari memberi pertanyaan dan menjawab pertanyaan.
Maka dari itu, di blog ini saya menyediakan alat yang sangat efektif untuk mempelajari percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu dialog tanya jawab yang pada umumnya sangat sering digunakan.

Dengan belajar apa yang diperlukan, kita dapat mempelajari sesuatu dengan cepat dan efektif, tanpa menyianyiakan waktu untuk materi yang tak dibutuhkan. Dialog tersebut dapat dilatih dengan partner maupun dengan diri sendiri.

Saya percaya bahwa cara paling baik untuk belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris adalah dengan berbicara bahasa itu sendiri.

Cukup luangkan 10-15 menit waku anda dalam sekali untuk membaca dan mempraktekan dialog tersebut sebanyak beberapa kali. Anda akan lebih terbiasa untuk mengantisipasi pertanyaan dan menyiapkan jawaban yang cocok untuk pertanyaan tersebut.

Saya jamin bahwa latihan ini akan membuahkan hasil.

Selamat mencoba!
Terima Kasih!